Senin, 16 Mei 2011

How Forgiving people who have hurt us?

how to forgive people who have been Hurting You (Rick Warren)

It is important for us to forgive those who have hurt us. Too many Christians who fail to fulfill God's plan in their lives because they pile up old wounds. And too many of the Church who suffered because of this. In this article, I will share three steps so we can forgive those who have hurt us.

    Releasing the right to sue balasAnda should start by releasing those who have hurt you from the demands of anger. It's not fair, is that by? You are right. Forgiveness is not fair. It was not fair when God forgives our sins, and also not fair when you have to forgive others. God does not give us what we deserve to receive. He gives us things we desperately need.

    The Bible says that God is just. Someday, He will solve all problems. For now, let God fills our hearts with peace and grace.

    The Bible says in Romans 12:19, "Do not be alone repay, but give place to the wrath of God, for it is written: Vengeance is mine it. I will repay. "

    The first step in forgiving is not to take enforcement action in private equity. Let God's will be an impartial judge.

    Every time you remember how you have been hurt, remove the memory. It's fun to stay firm. When Jesus was asked how many times we should forgive those who wronged us, he said 70 times 7. In other words, we must continue to forgive.

    How do you know that you have completely let go of the wound? If you are not painful anymore. You may have to forgive a person a thousand times before it became a reality. But every time it appeared hurt, say to God, "O Allah, once again, I put it to you. To go to a few hundred time, O Lord, I let them out of the demands of this heartache and get rid of my right to revenge. "Every time you hold it, then the hurt it will deepen. However, each time releasing it, then hurt it to fizzle.
    Focus your attention back on God's plan for life AndaAnda can only focus toward the future or the past - can not go both ways. Pusatkanlah attention to the things God wants done in your life. As long as you focus on the person who hurt you, then they're controlling you. You certainly do not want people who once hurt you control your life in the present. You certainly want God who controls your life.

    Actually, if you do not release those who hurt you, then you will become more and more like him. You will be similar to what the focus of your attention. If you focus on the pain, then you will point to it. If you focus on life goals, then you will advance.

    How to do it?

    The Bible tells us in the book of Job 11:13-16, "If you are providing your heart, and stretch out your hands to Him, if you keep crime in your hand, and do not let the fraud is in your tents, then surely, you can lift your face without reproach, and you will stand firm and not be afraid, even you will forget kesusahanmu, just remember him as the water that has flowed past. "

    Align your heart. That is, do the right thing. Forgive the man. Remove him from the demands of heartache.

    Pleading to God. Ask Jesus Christ to intervene and fulfill your heart with His love.

    Face this world anymore. Do not pull away. Do not imprison yourself. You can not love without risk menaggung injured. And life without love is clearly contrary to God's plan for your life.
    Respond to crime with kebaikanPaulus tells us in Romans 12:21, "Do not lose against crime, but kalahkanlah evil with goodness!." There is so much evil in this world. You will not be able to solve crimes in a way criticize. You can only overcome evil with good.

    Saddleback this, our Church is not the character of the Church of the war. We do not spend our time criticizing what is done by the world. We can not hope for those who do not believe that behave like people who believe, before they become believed. You will not be able to change the world by way criticize.

Through the Peace Plan, we have sent thousands of teams around the world since 2004, to overcome evil with good, by offering recovery relationships, equip the servants of God that are based leader, helping the poor, caring for the sick and educate the next generation.

One country that became our focus is Rwanda. You may have heard about the terrible crime - the extermination of ethnic - that had occurred in 1994 in Rwanda. Hatred is everywhere. But God has done wonderful work in this country. Last year, Bishop John Ruchyana visited Saddleback, and together we spoke to the Church on this issue. On that day, he gave testimony miraculous recovery process that is underway in that country.

"Brothers and sisters, Jesus we worship, we worship God and believe in is the key to restoring relations in Rwanda. We can no longer emphasize the differences and then expect to get good results. In Rwanda, revenge is something we can not do. We should run a rapprochement. We must face the truth about our weaknesses, our situation is sad, of our sins. We must face it all with Jesus Christ in this life, in order to build a nation again. We must live.

We do not wish to add liver injury. We want to build hope. How wonderful if we face it from the standpoint of expectations of Jesus Christ. Expectations are so bright. Very bright. Rwanda will be the pivot of development in Africa. People will come to us and learning. But all this is not because of our ability. No, it's all for the glory of God. God who works all that. God that rebuild all that. God is doing everything with full authority, in the divine. "

That is a picture in a large sample with respect to crime and virtue. You can do it in your personal life as well. When someone hurts you, do good deeds to them. Is it easy? Of course not. Every bone in the body we want to respond to evil with evil as well. But forgiveness comes when we respond to evil with goodness.

I hope every Christian will be challenged to do this - and actually do it - in their personal lives.

In the fall these days, we will provide a tremendous tool to help them in their adventures of this pardon. To find out more about spiritual growth campaigns Life's Healing Choice (Choice of Healing Life),

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